With the greatly increased use of Facebook for the Club's communications, I have decided to dicontinue updating this blog, but to just leave it here as a link to our web site and Facebook group.
Best wishes to All,
Patrick Carroll, Club President
Welcome to the blog site for owners & followers of the Morris Oxford MO, Morris Six MS, Wolseley 6/80, Wolseley 4/50, J Type Van, & associated Commercials, Morris Oxford Series II, III, IV, Morris Cowley Series II, III, Morris Cowley Van & Pick Up, Morris Isis Series I, II, Hindustan Landmaster 1956-58 & Hindustan Ambassador. Feel free to register and comment
With the greatly increased use of Facebook for the Club's communications, I have decided to dicontinue updating this blog, but to just leave it here as a link to our web site and Facebook group.
Best wishes to All,
Patrick Carroll, Club President