Friday 24 January 2014

Club in the Press again

29th January (next week) there is an article about the MO in Classic Car Weekly.  We have not been able to see (or comment) on the article but we know it is out there.  Look out for the Club Advert and tell us what you think

Thursday 23 January 2014

Well - this is 2014 then ........

........... & here we are well into January already - before you know it, it'll be Spring in the UK!  (Well, you have to be positive).  Your Committee has it's first get-together of the year in late February, so we'll all be driving up to Nev's place in Harby to sample Helen's excellent catering (except Bob, who hasn't mastered eating via Skype) - oh, & we'll have a meeting as well!  We've got a fair bit to discuss, from forthcoming events & shows, to Club finances, magazine printing, the proposed new Association of Morris Vehicle Clubs, spares re-manufacture, membership renewal rates, & lots more I'm sure.  If you have anything you'd like us to raise on your behalf, please leave a comment here.
I appreciate that I didn't manage to give a big mention of this blog in the last magazine as I didn't get it set up until just too late even for 'Stop Press', but it will get much better publicity this time, so please do let us know if you log on by leaving a comment - complimentary or otherwise?
As for my own 4/50, I've got some maintenance to do before I do many more miles in it, in the form of a brake master cylinder overhaul asap.  Wish me luck - I'll be going delving in the depths as soon as the weather picks up a bit & I can work on the car outside!
Don't forget that we're still looking for a new Spares Secretary to enable Nigel to step down from his caretaking duties, & a Chrome Coordinator to pursue remanufacture of chrome items.  Please get in touch with the Committee if you feel able to fill either post.
Best wishes to all,
Pat Carroll