Welcome to the blog site for owners & followers of the Morris Oxford MO, Morris Six MS, Wolseley 6/80, Wolseley 4/50,
J Type Van, & associated Commercials, Morris Oxford Series II, III, IV, Morris Cowley Series II, III, Morris Cowley Van & Pick Up, Morris Isis Series I, II, Hindustan Landmaster 1956-58 & Hindustan Ambassador.
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No crowds in the photos, but did they turn up. Oh, yes. There are probably more photos out there but this was a Good Thing for the club. 5 cars, plenty of people, lots of good atmosphere and new members, along with some returnees. Thanks to all who helped
No crowds in the photos, but did they turn up. Oh, yes. There are probably more photos out there but this was a Good Thing for the club. 5 cars, plenty of people, lots of good atmosphere and new members, along with some returnees. Thanks to all who helped