Monday 11 November 2013


Greetings & welcome if you've found us for the first time, hopefully as a result of the slip I sent out with the magazine.  If this is your first visit, please do leave a comment to tell us what you think of the idea.  This blog site certainly isn't meant as a replacement for our excellent web site, but does offer an easy-access means of quick communication, so I hope it will be well used.
Thank you for visiting - come back again soon - we'll try to keep up to date news on here for you.
Best wishes, Pat Carroll (President & Site Moderator)


  1. Great blog site, Lets hope members start using this blog for quick communication, without neglecting the web site. Good ideas and items posted here should be poached and posted on the web site and in the excellent club magazine. If anyone is reading this and has spare 5 stud wheels, with or without tyres, I'm in need of a few. If your going to the NEC show you can always drop one to the club stand for me. My details are to be found in the sales and wants section on this blog site.

  2. Any NEC pictures yet? It would be nice to see what club vehicles are on the stand. Just for the one that cannot be there that is.

  3. I would post some photos from the NEC (using Bob's laptop with Italian keyboard!) but haven't worked out yet how to create a new Post. I am signed in - can anyone assist with some instructions, please, or am I missing something obvious (wouldn't be the first time!)?

  4. To clarify for everyone, anyone who registers on this blog site can comment on an existing posting, but if you want to add a new post, you have to get an invitation from the Site Moderator (that'll be me!) to register as an 'Author'. So, send me an email if you want to be able to post, & I'll send an invitation for you to click on to accept.
    Happy Blogging, Pat Carroll
