Friday 31 October 2014

Classic Car Show 14-16th November

Good morning everyone , my faithful followers and anyone who might be here by chance.

The Classic Car Show is upon us in the next fortnight.  NEC Birmingham, 14th -16th November.  As always we are asking if anyone could spare a little time to help out on our stand.  This year should be a GGGGGOOOOOOODDDDY, just like the last ones actually so come and see us Hall 12 stand 635, next to the Wolseley Register and the Morris Ital stand.

If you want a club calendar, that is the place to go, but hurry, the orders are coming in already and I am 20% sold out already. 

Calendars £8.00 plus p&p, which is a shade over £2.00.....Bob has once again done a good job and it's as Yogi Bear once put it "Better than the average BooBoo"

Tuesday 23 September 2014


To all Club Members - please remember that our 2014 Annual General Meeting will be held at 1.30pm on Sunday 19th October at the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust motor museum at Gaydon, Warwickshire.  Entry to the museum is free for Members on production of your current Membership Card, so don't forget to bring it with you.  We have some fundamental changes to your Committee to vote on this year, so please come along & let us know whether you're getting what you want from the Club, & whether you have any ideas as to how we could do things differently?
Look forward to seeing you at Gaydon.
Patrick Carroll, Club President

Thursday 4 September 2014

MMOC Gathering in th eNorth East

Just a quickie this time.  David Manuel has advised me that for all North East members there is a gathering of the MMOC at Seaton Delaval Hall on 7th September and would any other club members like to join him there.  go on, you know the weather is going to be WUNNERFUL

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Look out it's that PRO bloke again.  Just a quick reminder that this weekend the Morris Register is having it's National Rally at Thoresby Park, Ollerton Notts, NO 22 9EP this weekend.  There is a lot going on and you can have a look at what's on at or

It is not expensive and the  outlook is good.

While I am at it, the Sywell Pistons and Props is on in September, 27/28 for another good weekend away

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Well, here we still are.  The NEC is getting closer all the time but now we have a theme for the show.  it is The Big Screen.  Yup, all, any shots of our vehicles in the cinema or even the little big screen in the corner of your living room.  What do you know, tell us all, contact me Colin your PRO or fill in a line or two here.........................GO!

Monday 14 July 2014

Roll up, roll up, come and join us  at the Classic Car Show this November.  This will be our 6th show and we aim, as always to make this one better than the last.
14th - 16th November at the NEC in Birmingham.  We always need some assistance and if you can spare a few hours then you could be one of our ticketed helpers.  Give Colin, your PRO, or Sheila, your Club secretary a call or e-mail.  Details in the club magazine.    We genuinely have a good time but it works so much better with more people on the stand.


Thursday 26 June 2014

To all Classic Vehicle Enthusiasts - help fight the London classic car ban

Classic & Sports Car magazine is calling on enthusiasts to help to oppose London Mayor Boris Johnson's proposal to ban classic cars from the centre of the capital. Not only would the Ultra Low Emissions Zone exclude classics from the Congestion Charge Zone, it could spell disaster for events such as the Regent Street Motor Show for instance.
As it stands, no exemptions to the draft proposal have been hinted at or confirmed and there are fears that classic cars could bear the brunt of legislation aimed at other vehicles.  Classic & Sports Car's Group Editor James Elliott said: "When we revealed the threat a few days ago, it was greeted with outcry from enthusiasts so we are taking positive action.  Even though there are some 800,000 pre-1981 classic cars in the UK, their contribution to pollution is so tiny it is virtually immeasurable yet they will be just as affected by this as the heavily polluting diesel vehicles that this is intending to curb."
"Plus, the prospect of an event such as the Brighton Run, immortalised in the film Genevieve, being stopped completely or forced to find an alternative start point after more than a century is unthinkable.  That event perfectly sums up what our hobby is all about, it is not just a selfish indulgence, but sharing something with people that brings a smile to their faces. It would be a shame to see that smile wiped out by ill-thought-out legislation."
As a result C&SC has started a campaign to gather as many signatures as possible to oppose the change and secure a future for the cars of the past on London's roads.  It plans to deliver the petition personally to London mayor Boris Johnson in a convoy of classic cars.
Thanks, Patrick Carroll 

Thursday 19 June 2014

2014 Annual UK Club Rally - Hatton Country World, Warwickshire

Well, another rally has been & gone, & we did have a good weekend at Hatton over 14th/15th June.  We started things off with 12 cars participating in a road run around the beautiful Warwickshire countryside, including a mid-way stop at The Navigation Inn on the Grand Union Canal, & we all (eventually!) made it back to the rally field safely.  Saturday evening saw 19 of us enjoying a good meal at The Falcon, where several us were staying, with their excellent full English breakfast setting us up for Sunday.  I counted 19 club cars on show on Sunday, with 3 members arriving in non-club classics to add interest to the gathering.  At the end of the day, awards were presented, the raffle drawn, much money raised from the Penny Auction, & we all set off for home after a very enjoyable weekend.  Next year we're at Thoresby Hall in August, hosted by The Morris Register as the inaugural meeting of the Morris Vehicles Association, so I hope to see you there.
 Road run line-up

 Relaxing at The Navigation Inn

 Past-Chairman Bernard Peal with his 6/99

Wolseleys & Morris Six's on the rally field

Saturday 17 May 2014


Colin has asked me to let you know that we have a good spread in this week's Classic Car Weekly, including Chairman Ken getting his motor pictured up front again!
Best wishes, Pat Carroll
Posted 17th May 2014

Saturday 10 May 2014


Just to let members know that the next magazine is about to go to print, so should be with you in a couple of weeks.  Advertised in this issue, apart from the very important UK Annual Rally at Hatton Country World on 13th - 15th June, is the newly-available DVD containing an archive of ALL the Club's Newsletters & Magazines from before our formal start in 1977 up to the last issue 143.  Apart from the fact that this gives you the chance to read all these fascinating back-copies without having to have a pile of paper mouldering in the corner, the BIG advantage is that the DVD is fully searchable by text, so you can search individual copies or the whole archive for a particular word or phrase (go on - you know you want to do a search on your car's reg!!).  This fascinating & invaluable record of our Club's publications comes professionally presented in a crystal case & protected by a padded envelope, for the member's price of £12.50 + £1.50 UK P&P (overseas P&P on application) - cheques made out to The 6/80 & MO Club please or by PayPal to '' plus the usual £1 transaction fee.  Order your copy from President Pat (contact details on web site & in magazine) & get ahead of the rush when the advert appears in issue 144!
Looking forward to getting your order.
Best wishes to all, Patrick Carroll

Monday 5 May 2014

Continuing the braking system checks

The test drive after refurbishing the master cylinder although resulting in a reasurringly firm brake pedal, also showed up a distinct pull to the left on gentle braking, although it pulled up straighter on heavier application of the pedal.  After a long winter of relative idleness in the garage (the car, not me!), I suspected sticking slave cylinders, so on a fine Sunday morning I decided to strip the front nearside brake drum down & see how it all looked.
First thing I remembered was that I'm definitely at the front of the queue when we get some hub pullers made, & the second was that I was glad I'd invested in some replacement rubber seals some time ago when I had the chance.  One cylinder was definitely very sticky, & both were weeping a bit - that combined with a probable bit of overheating from a dragging shoe caused by the sticking cylinder resulting in a bit of melting hub grease around the place, also meant that a new set of shoes were in order - again, thankfully held in my stock.
So, after a good clean up & rebuild, the front brakes are performing much better, although I do need to have a look at the offside as well to ensure they are both up to scratch & pulling evenly.
Hope you're giving YOUR car a good look over before getting out & about as the weather improves?
Best wishes, Pat

Thursday 17 April 2014


Evidence that your President does indeed get his hands dirty:
Master cylinder removed from 4/50 ...........
                                                   ...................... and re-fitted with new seals.

I've just completed an overhaul of my brake master cylinder using the 'Richard Spencer' method detailed on the web site discussion forum, with no real problems, so thanks Richard & everyone else for the technical advice. Richard's full article, which can be viewed via a link from one of his postings, goes into much more detail than in his original posting, but I had just a few comments on his notes as a result of my experiences:
1. I didn't bother jacking the car up, & found that I could reach the through-bolts quite easily.
2. Not sure why it may be necessary to actually remove the nut on the pedal stop bolt - I just slackened it off.
3. Unscrewing the plunger from the push rod was indeed a fiddly exercise as Richard says, but it's still quicker than the workshop manual method!
4. I held the push-rod up with a bit of wire wound around a rod across the top of the chassis rail after I'd extracted the cylinder - that held it nicely in place for re-fitting.
5. I was clearly fortunate that the push-rod & plunger lined up & screwed together first time. Separating the two parts of the push-rod is key to this method, but well worth it as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't use a new or refurbished cylinder, & just got a new set of seals for mine, which worked out OK for me. There was a lot of sludge around the piston & a bit of corrosion in non-critical places, but it all looked fine after a good clean up.

Good luck if you've got to carry out this maintenance task soon.  Don't worry - follow the advice on the Forum & it's done in a couple of hours.
Patrick Carroll

Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Practical Classics Restoration Show - NEC 12th and 13th April

The Practical Classics Restoration Show will be taking place at the NEC in Birmingham on 12th and 13th April and will be offering hands-on workshops, loads of entertainment including celebrity guests and live restorations by car clubs and the Practical Classics team, as well as auctions and barn finds for sale. It’s set to be a great day out and they are offering our club members £4 off the on-the-door price. To obtain your discount, follow this link: which will take you to the box office with the discount code for Club Members already entered in.
Have fun!
Pat Carroll

Friday 14 March 2014

Leaky Carburettor

Just finished fitting a new set of seals & gaskets to the carb on my 4/50, as the main jet assembly was leaking badly over the exhaust pipe! (Float chamber was empty when I took it apart!)  The culprit was obvious when I disassembled the main jet block as the big cork washer was in 2 pieces (called a 'Langite sealing washer' in the workshop manual).
The gasket & seal kit was easily obtained from Burlen (see below), & they advised me to soak the cork washer overnight in engine oil to soften it up & help it seal.  It certainly did the trick, as the carb is now dry as a bone.  Engine started first time on the button on completion, & all I need to do now is fine-tune the main jet once I've had the car out for a run to fully warm it up - not till I've done a similar job on the brake master cylinder though!
Have you checked your carb for leaks recently?  If not, have a look & if necessary give it a treat with a new gasket set - easily fitted, & removes a potential fire risk!
Happy spannering,
Pat Carroll

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Morris Vehicles Association

Colin Poland & I attended a meeting at Gaydon on Sunday 9th March, along with other like-minded clubs, to discuss an idea formulated by Ray Newell of the MMOC that we should continue the spirit of cooperation & communication enjoyed during the Morris Centenary year with the formation of an association or affiliation of classics clubs that have a connection to Morris Motors.
I am very pleased to report that the meeting was extremely positive, with all those present supporting the idea & agreeing that any such association should be a fairly informal affair, primarily to exchange information & news, foster joint rallies & events, & utilise economies of scale wherever possible when buying products or services that are common to all participating clubs.
After a suprisingly short debate, a name was agreed on as the 'Morris Vehicles Association' (MVA) - 'Morris' up front to make it easy to find, 'Vehicles' instead of 'Cars' to make it inclusive for commercials, & 'Association' instead of 'Club' to reflect it's less formal nature.
It's still very early days yet, & we're still in the planning stage, but look out for more news as we have it, in the magazine or on our web site.  Many thanks go to Ray Newell of the MMOC for coming up with the original idea & arranging the first meeting, & to the BMIHT for hosting it.
Best wishes,
Patrick Carroll

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Another Club Car in the News

Look out for Classics Monthly in April (due out 27th March), which will carry a prominent feature on Steve Lord's Mercedes-engined Morris Six under their 'Engenius' banner.  Judging by the publicity about it in this month's copy, it should make the front cover!  Well done Steve.
Happy reading, Pat

Friday 24 January 2014

Club in the Press again

29th January (next week) there is an article about the MO in Classic Car Weekly.  We have not been able to see (or comment) on the article but we know it is out there.  Look out for the Club Advert and tell us what you think

Thursday 23 January 2014

Well - this is 2014 then ........

........... & here we are well into January already - before you know it, it'll be Spring in the UK!  (Well, you have to be positive).  Your Committee has it's first get-together of the year in late February, so we'll all be driving up to Nev's place in Harby to sample Helen's excellent catering (except Bob, who hasn't mastered eating via Skype) - oh, & we'll have a meeting as well!  We've got a fair bit to discuss, from forthcoming events & shows, to Club finances, magazine printing, the proposed new Association of Morris Vehicle Clubs, spares re-manufacture, membership renewal rates, & lots more I'm sure.  If you have anything you'd like us to raise on your behalf, please leave a comment here.
I appreciate that I didn't manage to give a big mention of this blog in the last magazine as I didn't get it set up until just too late even for 'Stop Press', but it will get much better publicity this time, so please do let us know if you log on by leaving a comment - complimentary or otherwise?
As for my own 4/50, I've got some maintenance to do before I do many more miles in it, in the form of a brake master cylinder overhaul asap.  Wish me luck - I'll be going delving in the depths as soon as the weather picks up a bit & I can work on the car outside!
Don't forget that we're still looking for a new Spares Secretary to enable Nigel to step down from his caretaking duties, & a Chrome Coordinator to pursue remanufacture of chrome items.  Please get in touch with the Committee if you feel able to fill either post.
Best wishes to all,
Pat Carroll